Water Temperature For All Types Of Teas

Water Temperature For All Types Of Teas

There are some variables that need to be taken into account when brewing a cup of tea. This blog will talk about water temperature. People normally prepare their tea by pouring boiling water over their tea bag before adding sugar and milk to it. Although this might...
Product Review – Green Tea Konjac Sponges

Product Review – Green Tea Konjac Sponges

On my last blog I invited you to try tea differently. And that’s what I personally did by purchasing a green tea Konjac sponge to try and upscale my self care routine. What is a Konjac sponge? Let’s start with what Konjac actually is. Konjac is an Asian root vegetable...
Experience Tea in a New Way

Experience Tea in a New Way

1. Try cooking with tea Our latest experiment was matcha pasta. Adding matcha to your pasta recipe gives it not only an interesting colour but a nice taste. I will definitely try it again with more matcha to see if I get even more of the grass taste that I like so...
Breakaway from the familiar – Try a New Tea!

Breakaway from the familiar – Try a New Tea!

It can be hard to break away from the familiar. But Perhaps one that you’ve always wanted to try but never got around to it. Get out of your comfort zone. Try pure teas only, no flavoured teas. Experiment and appreciate teas that have been carefully handcrafted by...
Let’s Talk About Teaware – The Brown Betty

Let’s Talk About Teaware – The Brown Betty

You know I’m all about tea. And that includes teaware! I come by thrift shopping honestly. My dad loved to go to Flea Markets in hopes for a good deal on whatever he was interested in at the time. I recently revived the tradition by stopping by antique markets and...