by Number E Tea | Aug 7, 2023 | Food & Drink
As I was surfing the internet one day, I came across a tea sommelier program offered by the Tea and Herbal Association of Canada. Curious to discover what tea was all about, I registered for their introductory course without any real expectations of what I would see,...
by Auralis Botanical | Aug 5, 2023 | Lifestyle
Are you sober and wondering about the challenges of dating in a world where alcohol is often seen as a social lubricant and a central part of socializing? You’re not alone – sober dating can definitely be a bit of a minefield, but it’s totally doable. In this post,...
by Number E Tea | Aug 2, 2023 | Food & Drink
There are some variables that need to be taken into account when brewing a cup of tea. This blog will talk about water temperature. People normally prepare their tea by pouring boiling water over their tea bag before adding sugar and milk to it. Although this might...
by Auralis Botanical | Jul 31, 2023 | Lifestyle
Science says that ultra-processed food and drinks are making us stupider! A recent study published in JAMA Neurology looked at the relationship between ultra-processed foods (UPFs – who knew there was an acronym) which are defined as “formulations of processed food...